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Q1:堆表和群集表之间有什么区别? 我们如何确定该表是否为堆表? (Q1: What is the difference between a Heap table and a Clustered table? How can we identify if the table is a heap table?)

Heap table is a table in which, the data rows are not stored in any particular order within each data page. In addition, there is no particular order to control the data page sequence, that is not linked in a linked list. This is due to the fact that the heap table contains no clustered index.

表是一个表,其中的数据行未按任何特定顺序存储在每个数据页内。 此外,没有特殊的顺序来控制数据页顺序,即未在链接列表中链接。 这是由于堆表不包含聚簇索引这一事实。

A clustered table is a table that has a predefined clustered index on one column or multiple columns of the table that defines the storing order of the rows within the data pages and the order of the pages within the table, based on the clustered index key.


The heap table can be identified by querying the  system object that has one row per each partition with index_id value equal to 0. You can also query the sys.indexes system object also to show the heap table index details, that shows, the id of that index is 0 and the type of it is HEAP.


For more information, see the article: .

有关更多信息,请参见文章: 。

Q2:说明SQL Server Engine如何使用索引分配图(IAM)? (Q2: Explain how the SQL Server Engine uses an Index Allocation Map (IAM)?)

SQL Server Engine uses an Index Allocation Map (IAM) to keep an entry for each page to track the allocation of these available pages. The IAM is considered as the only logical connection between the data pages, that the SQL Server Engine will use to move through the heap. 

SQL Server Engine使用索引分配映射 (IAM)为每个页面保留一个条目,以跟踪这些可用页面的分配。 IAM被认为是数据页之间唯一的逻辑连接,SQL Server Engine将使用它们在堆中移动。

For more information, see the article: .

有关更多信息,请参见文章: 。

问题3:什么是“转发指针问题”,我们如何解决? (Q3: What is the “Forwarding Pointers issue” and how can we fix it?)

When a data modification operation is performed on heap table data pages, Forwarding Pointers will be inserted into the heap to point to the new location of the moved data. These forwarding pointers will cause performance issues over time due to visiting the old/original location vs the new location specified by the forwarding pointers to get a specific value.

在堆表数据页上执行数据修改操作时,会将转发指针插入到堆中,以指向已移动数据的新位置。 随着时间的流逝,这些转发指针将导致性能问题,原因是访问转发指针指定的旧位置/原始位置与新位置以获得特定值。

Starting from SQL Server version 2008, a new method was introduced to overcome the forwarding pointers performance issue, by using the ALTER TABLE REBUILD command, that will rebuild the heap table.

从SQL Server 2008版开始,引入了一种新方法,该方法通过使用ALTER TABLE REBUILD命令来克服转发指针性能问题,该方法将重建堆表。

For more information, see the article: .

有关更多信息,请参见文章: 。

Q4:什么是SQL Server索引? (Q4: What is a SQL Server Index?)

A SQL Server index is considered as one of the most important factors in the performance tuning process. Indexes are created to speed up the data retrieval and the query processing operations from a database table or view, by providing swift access to the database table rows, without the need to scan all the table’s data, in order to retrieve the requested data.

SQL Server索引被认为是性能调整过程中最重要的因素之一。 通过提供对数据库表行的快速访问,而无需扫描所有表的数据即可检索索引,从而创建索引以加快从数据库表或视图的数据检索和查询处理操作。

You can imagine a table index akin to a book’s index that allows you to find the requested information very fast within your book, rather than reading all the book pages in order to find a specific item you are looking for.


For more information, see the article: .

有关更多信息,请参见文章: 。

问题5:描述SQL Server索引的结构,该结构可提供对表数据的更快访问? (Q5: Describe the structure of a SQL Server Index that provides faster access to the table’s data?)

A SQL Server index is created using the shape of B-Tree structure, that is made up of 8K pages, with each page, in that structure, called an index node. The B-Tree structure provides the SQL Server Engine with a fast way to move through the table rows based on index key, that decides to navigate left or right, to retrieve the requested values directly, without scanning all the underlying table rows. You can imagine the potential performance degradation that may occur due to scanning large database table.

使用B-Tree结构的形状创建SQL Server索引,该结构由8K页组成,该结构中的每一页称为索引节点。 B树结构为SQL Server引擎提供了一种快速的方法,该方法可以基于索引键在表行中移动,该索引键决定向左或向右导航,以直接检索请求的值,而无需扫描所有基础表行。 您可以想象由于扫描大型数据库表可能导致的潜在性能下降。

The B-Tree structure of the index consists of three main levels:


  • Root Level, the top node that contains a single index page, form which SQL Server starts its data search, Root Level ,即包含单个索引页的顶部节点,SQL Server以这种形式开始其数据搜索,
  • the Leaf Level, the bottom level of nodes that contains the data pages we are looking for, with the number of leaf pages depends on the amount of data stored in the index,
  • Leaf Level叶子级别) ,它是包含我们要查找的数据页面的节点的最底层,叶子页面的数量取决于索引中存储的数据量,
  • and finally the Intermediate Level, one or multiple levels between the root and the leaf levels that holds the index key values and pointers to the next intermediate level pages or the leaf data pages. The number of intermediate levels depends on the amount of data stored in the index.
  • 最后是中间级别 ,即根和叶级别之间的一个或多个级别 ,其中包含索引键值和指向下一个中间级别页面或叶数据页面的指针。 中间级别的数量取决于索引中存储的数据量。

For more information, see the article: .

有关更多信息,请参见文章: 。

问题6:说明索引深度,密度和选择性因素,这些因素如何影响索引性能? (Q6: Explain Index Depth, Density and Selectivity factors and how these factors affect index performance? )

  • Index depth is the number of levels from the index root node to the leaf nodes. An index that is quite deep will suffer from performance degradation problem. In contrast, an index with a large number of nodes in each level can produce a very flat index structure. An index with only 3 to 4 levels is very common. 索引深度是从索引根节点到叶节点的级别数。 一个非常深的索引将遭受性能下降的问题。 相反,在每个级别中具有大量节点的索引可以产生非常平坦的索引结构。 只有3到4级的索引非常常见。
  • Index density is a measure of the lack of uniqueness of the data in a table. A dense column is one that has a high number of duplicates. 索引密度是对表中数据缺乏唯一性的一种度量。 密集列是具有大量重复项的列。
  • Index selectivity is a measure of how many rows scanned compared to the total number of rows. An index with high selectivity means a small number of rows scanned when related to the total number of rows. 索引选择性是相对于总行数扫描的行数的度量。 具有高选择性的索引意味着与总行数相关时扫描的行数很少。

For more information, see the article: .

有关更多信息,请参见文章: 。

问题7:OLTP和OLAP工作负载之间有什么区别,它们如何影响索引创建决策? (Q7: What is the difference between OLTP and OLAP workloads and how do they affect index creation decisions?)

On Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) databases, workloads are used for transactional systems, in which most of the submitted queries are data modification queries.


In contrast, Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) database workloads are used for data warehousing systems, in which most of the submitted queries are data retrieval queries that filter, group, aggregate and join large data sets quickly.

相反, 在线分析处理(OLAP)数据库工作负载用于数据仓库系统,其中大多数提交的查询是数据检索查询,这些查询可以快速过滤,分组,聚合和联接大型数据集。

Creating a large number of indexes on a database table affects data modification (e.g. Updates) operation performance. When you add or modify a row in the underlying table, the row will also be adjusted appropriately in all related table indexes. Because of that, you need to avoid creating a large number of indexes on the heavily modified tables and create the minimum possible number of indexes, with the least possible number of columns on each index. For Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) workloads, in which tables have low modification requirements, you can create a large number of indexes that improve the performance of the data retrieval operations

在数据库表上创建大量索引会影响数据修改(例如,更新)操作的性能。 在基础表中添加或修改行时,该行还将在所有相关表索引中进行适当调整。 因此,您需要避免在经过大量修改的表上创建大量索引,并创建尽可能少的索引,而在每个索引上创建尽可能少的列。 对于表具有较低修改要求的联机分析处理(OLAP)工作负载,您可以创建大量索引来改善数据检索操作的性能

For more information, see the article: .

有关更多信息,请参见文章: 。

Q8:为什么不建议在小表上创建索引? (Q8: Why it is not recommended to create indexes on small tables?)

It takes the SQL Server Engine less time scanning the underlying table than traversing the index when searching for specific data. In this case, the index will not be used but it will still negatively affect the performance of data modification operations, as it will be always adjusted when modifying the underlying table’s data.

搜索特定数据时,与遍历索引相比,SQL Server Engine花费更少的时间扫描基础表。 在这种情况下,将不使用该索引,但它仍然会对数据修改操作的性能产生负面影响,因为在修改基础表的数据时将始终对其进行调整。

For more information, see the article: .

有关更多信息,请参见文章: 。

问题9:创建索引有几种不同的方法? (Q9: What are some different ways to create an index?)

  • CREATE INDEX T-SQL statement.  

  • New Index option. New Index选项。
  • Indirectly by defining the PRIMARY KEY and the UNIQUE constraint within the CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE statements. 


For more information, see the article: .

有关更多信息,请参见文章: 。

问题10:使用ONLINE索引创建或重建选项的利弊是什么? (Q10: What are the pros and cons of using ONLINE index creation or rebuilding options?)

Setting the ONLINE option to ON when you create or rebuild the index will enable other data retrieving or modification processes on the underlying table to continue, preventing the index creation process from locking the table. On the other hand, the ONLINE index creation or rebuilding process will take longer time than the offline default index creation process.

在创建或重建索引时,将ONLINE选项设置为ON将使基础表上的其他数据检索或修改过程继续进行,从而防止索引创建过程锁定表。 另一方面,联机索引创建或重建过程将比脱机默认索引创建过程花费更长的时间。

For more information, see the article: .

有关更多信息,请参见文章: 。

Q11:PAD_INDEX和FILLFACTOR有什么区别? (Q11: What is the difference between PAD_INDEX and FILLFACTOR?)

  • FILLFACTOR isused to set the percentage of free space that the SQL Server Engine will leave in the leaf level of each index page during index creation. The FillFactor should be an integer value from 0 to 100, with 0 or 100 is the default value, in which the pages will be filled completely during the index creation. FILLFACTOR用于设置在创建索引期间,SQL Server引擎将在每个索引页的叶级中保留的可用空间百分比。 FillFactor应该是从0到100的整数值,其中0或100是默认值,在该值中将在创建索引期间完全填充页面。
  • PAD_INDEX is used to apply the free space percentage specified by FillFactor to the index intermediate level pages during index creation. PAD_INDEX用于在索引创建期间将FillFactor指定的可用空间百分比应用于索引中间级别页面。

For more information, see the article: .

有关更多信息,请参见文章: 。

问题12:在一个表上可以创建多少个聚集索引,为什么? (Q12: How many Clustered indexes can be created on a table and why?)

SQL Server allows us to create only one Clustered index per each table, as the data can be sorted in the table using only one order criteria. 

SQL Server允许我们在每个表中仅创建一个聚集索引,因为只能使用一个顺序条件在表中对数据进行排序。

For more information, see the article: .

有关更多信息,请参见文章: 。

Q13:描述理想的特征聚簇索引键。 (Q13: Describe the characteristics ideal Clustered index keys.)

  • Short: Although SQL Server allows us to add up to 16 columns to the clustered index key, with a maximum key size of 900 bytes, the typical clustered index key is much smaller than what is allowed, with as few columns as possible. A wide Clustered index key will also affect all non-clustered indexes built over that clustered index, as the clustered index key will be used as a lookup key for all the non-clustered indexes pointing to it. 简短说明 :尽管SQL Server允许我们向聚簇索引键最多添加16列,最大键大小为900字节,但是典型的聚簇索引键比允许的小得多,并且列数尽可能少。 宽的聚簇索引键也将影响在该聚簇索引上建立的所有非聚簇索引,因为聚簇索引键将用作指向该索引的所有非聚簇索引的查找键。
  • Static: It is recommended to choose columns that are not changed frequently in a clustered index key. Changing the clustered index key values means that the whole row will be moved to the new proper page to keep the data values in the correct order. 静态 :建议选择在聚集索引键中不经常更改的列。 更改聚簇索引键值意味着整个行将被移至新的正确页面,以使数据值保持正确的顺序。
  • Increasing: Using an increasing (aka incrementing) column, such as the IDENTITY column, as a clustered index key will help in improving the INSERT process, that will directly insert the new values at the logical end of the table. This highly recommended choice will help in reducing the amount of memory required for the page buffers, minimize the need to split the page into two pages to fit the newly inserted values and the fragmentation occurrence, that required rebuilding or reorganizing the index again. 增加 :使用增加(又名增加)列(例如IDENTITY列)作为聚集索引键将有助于改善INSERT流程,该过程将在表的逻辑末尾直接插入新值。 强烈建议使用此选项,这将有助于减少页面缓冲区所需的内存量,最大程度地减少将页面分为两页以适应新插入的值和出现碎片的需求,而这需要重新构建或重新组织索引。
  • Unique: It is recommended to declare the clustered index key column or combination of columns as unique to improve query performance. Otherwise, SQL Server will automatically add a uniqueifier column to enforce the clustered index key uniqueness. 唯一 :建议将聚集索引键列或列组合声明为唯一,以提高查询性能。 否则,SQL Server将自动添加一个Uniqueifier列以强制执行聚集索引键的唯一性。
  • Accessed frequently: This is due to the fact that the rows will be stored in the clustered index in a sorted order based on that index key that is used to access the data. 频繁访问 :这是由于以下事实:行将基于用于访问数据的索引键以排序的顺序存储在聚簇索引中。
  • Used in the ORDER BY clause: In this case, there no need for the SQL Server Engine to sort the data in order to display it, as the rows are already sorted based on the index key used in the ORDER BY clause. 在ORDER BY子句中使用 :在这种情况下,SQL Server Engine无需对数据进行排序即可显示数据,因为已经基于ORDER BY子句中使用的索引键对行进行了排序。

For more information, see the article: .

有关更多信息,请参见文章: 。

Q14:为什么不建议将GUID和CHARACTER列用作聚集索引键? (Q14: Why it is not recommended to use GUID and CHARACTER columns as Clustered index keys? )

For GUID columns, that are stored in UNIQUE IDENTIFIER columns, the main challenge that affects the clustered index key sorting performance is the nature of the GUID value that is larger than the integer data types, with 16 bytes size, and that it is generated in random manner, different from the IDENTITY integer values that are increasing continuously. 

对于存储在UNIQUE IDENTIFIER列中的GUID列,影响聚簇索引键排序性能的主要挑战是GUID值的性质,该值大于16位字节的整数数据类型,并且在随机方式,不同于不断增加的IDENTITY整数值。

For the CHARACTER columns. The main challenges include limited sorting performance of the character data types, the large size, non-increasing values, non-static values that often tend to change in the business applications and not compared as binary values during the sorting process, as the characters comparison mechanism depends on the used collation. 

对于CHARACTER列。 主要挑战包括字符数据类型的排序性能有限,大小大,值不递增,非静态值,这些值通常会在业务应用程序中发生变化,并且在排序过程中不作为二进制值进行比较,因为字符比较机制取决于所使用的排序规则。

For more information, see the article: .

有关更多信息,请参见文章: 。

Q15:聚集索引结构和非聚集索引结构之间的主要区别是什么? (Q15: What is the main difference between a Clustered and Non-Clustered index structure?)

A Non-clustered index is different from a Clustered index in that, the underlying table rows will not be stored and sorted based on the Non-clustered key, and the leaf level nodes of the Non-clustered index are made of index pages instead of data pages. The index pages of the Non-clustered index contain Non-clustered index key values with pointers to the storage location of these rows in the underlying heap table or the Clustered index.

非聚集索引与聚集索引的不同之处在于,将不会基于非聚集键存储基础表行并对其进行排序,并且非聚集索引的叶级节点由索引页而不是索引页组成数据页。 非聚集索引的索引页包含非聚集索引键值,这些键值具有指向基础堆表或聚集索引中这些行的存储位置的指针。

For more information, see the article: .

有关更多信息,请参见文章: 。

问题16:在堆表上建立的非聚簇索引与在集群表上建立的非聚簇索引之间的主要区别是什么? RID查找和密钥查找之间有什么区别? (Q16: What is the main difference between a Non-clustered index that is built over a Heap table and a Non-clustered index that is built over a Clustered table? What is the difference between a RID Lookup and a Key Lookup?)

If a Non-Clustered index is built over a Heap table or view (read more about , that have no Clustered indexes) the leaf level nodes of that index hold the index key values and Row ID (RID) pointers to the location of the rows in the heap table. The RID consists of the file identifier, the data page number, and the number of rows on that data page.

如果在堆表或视图(非更多信息,没有聚簇索引)上构建了非聚簇索引,则该索引的叶级节点将保留索引键值和指向行在堆表中的位置。 RID由文件标识符,数据页号和该数据页上的行数组成。

On the other hand, if a Non-clustered index is created over a Clustered table, the leaf level nodes of that index contain Non-clustered index key values and clustering keys for the base table, that are the locations of the rows in the Clustered index data pages. 


A RID Lookup operation is performed to retrieve the rest of columns that are not available in the index from the heap table based on the ID of each row.


A Key Lookup operation is performed to retrieve the rest of columns that are not available in the index from the Clustered index, based on the Clustered key of each row, 


For more information, see the article: .

有关更多信息,请参见文章: 。

问题17:我们如何从INCLUDE功能中受益,克服非聚集索引限制? (Q17: How could we benefit from the INCLUDE feature to overcome Non-Clustered index limitations?)

Rather than creating a Non-clustered index with a wide key, large columns that are used to cover the query can be included to the Non-clustered index as non-key columns, up to 1023 non-key columns, using the INCLUDE clause of the CREATE INDEX T-SQL statement, that was introduced in SQL Server 2005, with a minimum of one key column.

除了使用宽键创建非聚集索引外,使用以下内容的INCLUDE子句,用于覆盖查询的大列可以作为非关键列包含在非聚集索引中,最多1023个非关键列。 SQL Server 2005中引入的CREATE INDEX T-SQL语句,至少包含一个键列。

The INCLUDE feature extends the functionality of Non-clustered indexes, by allowing us to cover more queries by adding the columns as non-key columns to be stored and sorted only in the leaf level of the index, without considering that columns values in the root and intermediate levels of the Non-clustered index. In this case, the SQL Server Query Optimizer will locate all required columns from that index, without the need for any extra lookups. Using the included columns can help to avoid exceeding the Non-clustered size limit of 900 bytes and 16 columns in the index key, as the SQL Server Database Engine will not consider the columns in the Non-clustered index non-key when calculating the size and number of columns of the index key. In addition, SQL Server allows us to include the columns with data types that are not allowed in the index key, such as VARCHAR(MAX), NVARCHAR(MAX), text, ntext and image, as Non-clustered index non-key columns.

INCLUDE功能扩展了非聚集索引的功能,它允许我们通过将列添加为仅在索引叶级存储和排序的非关键列来添加更多的查询,而无需考虑根目录中的列值和非聚集索引的中间级别。 在这种情况下,SQL Server查询优化器将找到该索引中所有必需的列,而无需任何额外的查找。 使用包含的列有助于避免超出900字节的非聚集大小限制和索引键中的16列 ,因为SQL Server数据库引擎在计算大小时将不考虑非聚集索引非键中的列和索引键的列数。 此外,SQL Server允许我们将具有索引键中不允许的数据类型的列(如VARCHAR(MAX),NVARCHAR(MAX),text,ntext和image)包括为非聚集索引非键列。

For more information, review .

有关更多信息,请查看 。

Q18:哪种类型的索引用于维护创建索引的列的数据完整性? (Q18: Which type of indexes are used to maintain the data integrity of the columns on which it is created?)

Unique Indexes, by ensuring that there are no duplicate values in the index key, and the table rows, on which that index is created.


For more information, see the article: .

有关更多信息,请参见文章: 。

问题19:如何从筛选索引中受益,以提高查询性能? (Q19: How could we benefits from a Filtered index in improving the performance of queries?)

It uses a filter predicate to improve the performance of queries that retrieve a well-defined subset of rows from the table, by indexing the only portion of the table rows. The smaller size of the Filtered index, that consumes a small amount of the disk space compared with the full-table index size, and the more accurate filtered statistics, that cover the filtered index rows with only minimal maintenance cost, help in improving the performance of the queries by generating a more optimal execution plan.

它使用过滤谓词通过索引表行的仅一部分来提高查询性能,这些查询从表中检索行的明确定义的子集。 与全表索引大小相比,筛选索引的大小较小,占用的磁盘空间较少,而筛选统计信息的准确性更高,可以以最小的维护成本覆盖筛选的索引行,从而有助于提高性能通过生成更优化的执行计划来进行查询。

For more information, see the article: .

有关更多信息,请参见文章: 。

问题20:可以使用哪些不同的方法来检索参与SQL Server索引的列的属性? (Q20: What are the different ways that can be used to retrieve the properties of the columns participating in a SQL Server index?)

  • Using SSMS, by使用SSMS expanding the  展开数据库表下的“ Indexes node under a database tabl, then right-clicking on each index, and choose the 索引”节点,然后右键单击每个索引,然后选择“ Properties option. The problem with gathering the indexes information using the UI method is that you need to browse it one index at a time per each table. You can imagine the effort required to see the article: all indexes in a specific database.  属性”选项。 使用UI方法收集索引信息的问题在于,您需要在每个表中一次浏览一次索引。 您可以想象看到这篇文章需要付出的努力:特定数据库中的所有索引。
  • sp_helpindex system stored procedure, by providing the name of the table that you need to list its indexes. In order to gather information about all indexes in a specific database, you need to execute the sp_helpindex number of time equal to the number of tables in your database. sp_helpindex系统存储过程。 为了收集有关特定数据库中所有索引的信息,您需要执行等于数据库中表数量的sp_helpindex时间。
  • sys.indexes system dynamic management view. The sys.indexes contains one row per each index in the table or view. It is recommended to join sys.indexes DMV with other systems DMVs, such as the sys.index_columns, sys.columns and sys.tables in order to return meaningful information about these indexes.  sys.indexes系统动态管理视图。 sys.indexes表或视图中的每个索引包含一行。 建议将sys.indexes DMV与其他系统DMV(例如sys.index_columns,sys.columns和sys.tables)结合在一起,以返回有关这些索引的有意义的信息。

For more information, see the article: .

有关更多信息,请参见文章: 。

问题21:如何获取数据库索引的碎片百分比? (Q21: How can we get the fragmentation percentage of a database index?)

  • Using SSMS, from the 使用SSMS,从索引“ Fragmentation tab of the index 属性”窗口的“ Properties window. Checking the fragmentation percentage of all indexes in a specific database, using the UI method requires a big effort, as you need to check one index at a time. 碎片”选项卡中。 使用UI方法检查特定数据库中所有索引的碎片百分比需要花费很大的精力,因为您需要一次检查一个索引。
  • sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats dynamic management function, that was first Introduced in SQL Server 2005. The sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats DMF can be joined with the sys.indexes DMV to return the fragmentation percentage of all indexes under the specified database. sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats动态管理功能最早在SQL Server 2005中引入。sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats DMF可以与sys.indexes DMV结合使用,以返回指定数据库下所有索引的碎片百分比。

For more information, see the article: .

有关更多信息,请参见文章: 。

Q22:当查询sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats动态管理视图来检索索引使用情况统计信息时,请解释返回的查找,扫描,查找和更新次数的结果。 (Q22: When checking the index usage statistics information, retrieved by querying the sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats dynamic management view, explain the results of the returned number of seeks, scans, lookups and updates.)

  • Seeks indicates the number of times the index is used to find a specific row, 寻求的数量表示的次指数是用来寻找特定的行数,
  • Scans shows the number of times the leaf pages of the index are scanned, 扫描次数显示索引的叶子页被扫描的次数,
  • Lookups indicates the number of times a Clustered index is used by the Non-clustered index to fetch the full row 查找次数表示非聚集索引使用聚集索引获取完整行的次数
  • Updates shows the number of times the index data has modified.  更新次数显示索引数据已修改的次数。

For more information, see the article: .

有关更多信息,请参见文章: 。

Q23:索引重建和索引重组操作之间有什么区别? (Q23: What is the difference between index Rebuild and Index Reorganize operations?)

Index fragmentation can be resolved by rebuilding and reorganizing SQL Server indexes regularly. The Index Rebuild operation removes fragmentation by dropping the index and creating it again, defragmenting all index levels, compacting the index pages using the Fill Factor values specified in rebuild command, or using the existing value if not specified and updating the index statistics using FULLSCAN of all the data. 

索引碎片可以通过定期重建和重新组织SQL Server索引来解决。 索引重建操作通过删除索引并再次创建索引,对所有索引级别进行碎片整理,使用rebuild命令中指定的“填充因子”值压缩索引页面或使用现有值(如果未指定)并使用FULLSCAN更新索引统计信息来消除碎片。所有数据。

The Index Reorganize operation physically reorders leaf level pages of the index to match the logical order of the leaf nodes. The index reorganizes operation will be always performed online. Microsoft recommends fixing index fragmentation issues by rebuilding the index if the fragmentation percentage of the index exceeds 30%, where it recommends fixing the index fragmentation issue by reorganizing the index if the index fragmentation percentage exceeds 5% and less than 30%. 

索引重新组织操作对索引的叶级页面进行物理重新排序,以匹配叶节点的逻辑顺序。 索引重组操作将始终在线执行。 Microsoft建议如果索引的碎片百分比超过30% ,则通过重建索引来解决索引碎片问题;如果索引碎片的百分比超过5%小于 30% ,Microsoft建议通过重组索引来解决索引碎片问题

For more information, see the article: .

有关更多信息,请参见文章: 。

问题24:如何找到可能提高查询性能所需的缺失索引? (Q24: How can you find the missing indexes that are needed to potentially improve the performance of your queries?)

  • Missing Index Details option in the query execution plan, if available. 缺少索引详细信息”选项(如果有)。
  • sys.dm_db_missing_index_details dynamic management view, that returns detailed information about missing indexes, excluding spatial indexes, sys.dm_db_missing_index_details动态管理视图,该视图返回有关缺失索引(空间索引除外)的详细信息,
  • SQL Server Profiler and the SQL Server ProfilerDatabase Engine Tuning Advisor tools. 数据库引擎优化顾问工具的组合。

For more information, see the article: .

有关更多信息,请参见文章: 。

Q25:为什么索引被描述为一把 ? (Q25: Why is an index described as a ?)

A well-designed index will enhance the performance of your system and speed up the data retrieval process. On the other hand, a badly-designed index will cause performance degradation on your system and will cost you extra disk space and delay in the data insertion and modification operations. It is better always to test the performance of the system before and after adding the index to the development environment, before adding it to the production environment.

精心设计的索引将提高系统性能,并加快数据检索过程。 另一方面,索引设计不当会导致系统性能下降,并浪费额外的磁盘空间,并会延迟数据插入和修改操作。 最好始终在将索引添加到开发环境之前和之后测试该系统的性能,然后再将其添加到生产环境。




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